Advances in Medical, Dental and Health Sciences
An Open Access, Peer Reviewed Journal
in the field of Medical Sciences
Author(s): Janaki Dhami
Knowledge regarding Prevention of Depression and Coping Strategies among Diabetic Clients. The study was carried out to determine the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Prevention of Depression and Coping Strategies among Diabetic Clients. Quasi-experimental one group pretest and post-test research design was adopted for the study. The structured interview schedule was developed to collect the data among 60 diabetic clients were selected by simple random sampling technique. Post-test was conducted after 7 days. The data obtained was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings revealed that the pre-test score of the diabetic clients knowledge on prevention of depression and coping strategies that majority 50 (83.3%) had moderately adequate knowledge and 10 (16.7%) had adequate knowledge. The post-test scores of knowledge shows that there is a high mean score for post test score when compared to pretest score. About 50(83.3%) of diabetic clients had adequate knowledge and 51 (83.3 %) had moderately inadequate knowledge. There was a significant difference between pre and post-test knowledge scores of diabetic clients on prevention of depression and coping strategies at 5% level‘t’=11.50 (p<0.05). Thus the structured teaching programme regarding prevention of depression and coping strategies was found to be very effective. Chi square was used to find the association of pre-test with the demographic variables. It was found that the demographic variable of age of diabetic clients showed the significant association at 0.05 levels, thus the research hypothesis stated H2- “There will be significant association of pre-test knowledge score on prevention of depression and coping strategies among diabetic clients with their selected demographical variables”, is accepted. The diabetic clients had responded well after administering structured teaching in post-test. There was a significant difference between post -test knowledge scores and pre-test knowledge scores of diabetic clients. Structured teaching programme on knowledge of prevention of depression and coping strategies was found effective.